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Sebastián Pardo

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Barrowclift, E., Gravel, S. M., Pardo, S. A., Bigman, J. S., Berggren, P., Dulvy, N. K. 2023. Tropical rays are intrinsically more sensitive to overfishing than the temperate skates. Biological Conservation, 281, 110003.


Pardo, S. A. and Dulvy, N. K. 2022. Body mass, temperature, and depth shape the maximum intrinsic rate of population increase in sharks and rays. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9441.
Pre-print: [BioRxiv]

Tirronen, M., Hutchings, J. A., Pardo, S. A., Kuparinen, A. 2022. Atlantic salmon survival at sea: temporal changes that lack regional synchrony. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 79:10, 1697-1711.

Mull, C. G., Pacoureau, N., Pardo, S. A., Ruiz, L. S., García-Rodríguez, E., Finucci, B., Haack, M., Harry, A., Judah, A. B., VanderWright, W., Yin, J. S., Kindsvater, H. K., Dulvy, N. K. 2022. Sharkipedia: a curated open access database of shark and ray life history traits and abundance time-series. Scientific Data, 9:1, 559.

Dureuil, M., Aeberhard, W. H., Dowd, M., Pardo, S. A., Whoriskey, F. G., Worm, B. 2022. Reliable growth estimation from mark–recapture tagging data in elasmobranchs. Fisheries Research, 256: 106488.

Harry, A. V., Smart, J. J., Pardo, S. A. 2022. Understanding the Age and Growth of Chondrichthyan Fishes. In Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives, 3rd Edition. Carrier, J. C., Simpfendorfer, C. A., Heithaus, M. R., Yopak, K. E., eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 177–202.


Pardo, S. A., Bolstad, G. H., Dempson, J. B., April, J., Jones, R. A., Raab, D., Hutchings, J. A. 2021. Trends in marine survival of Atlantic salmon populations in eastern Canada. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78:7, 2460-2473.

Pierce, S. J., Pardo, S. A., Rohner, C. A., Matsumoto, R., Murakumo, K., Nozu, R., Dove, A. D. M., Perry, C, Meekan, M. G. 2021. Whale Shark Reproduction, Growth, and Demography. In Whale Sharks. Dove, A. D. M., Pierce S. J., eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 13-45.

Rowat, D., Robinson, D. P., Dove, A. D. M., Araujo, G., Clauss, T., Coco, C., Dearden, P., Grace, M. K., Green, J. R., Hearn, A. R., Holmberg, J., Hoopes, L., Matsumoto, R., McClain, C. R., Meekan, M. G., Murakumo, K., Norman, B. M., Nozu, R., Pardo, S. A., Peele, E. E., Peñaherrera-Palma, C. R., Perry, C., Prebble, C. E. M., Reynolds, S., Román, M., Rohner, C. A., Sato, K., Schmidt, J. V., Schreiber, C., Sequeira, A. M. M., Womersley, F., Yanagisawa, M., Yopak, K. E., Ziegler, J., Pierce, S. J. 2021. Outstanding Questions in Whale Shark Research and Conservation. In Whale Sharks. Dove, A. D. M., Pierce S. J., eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 301-318.


Pardo, S. A., Hutchings, J. A. 2020. Estimating marine survival of Atlantic salmon using an inverse matrix approach PLOS ONE, 15:5, e0232407.

Bordeleau, X., Pardo, S. A., Chaput, G., April, J., Dempson, B., Robertson, M., Levy, A., Jones, R., Hutchings, J. A., Whoriskey, F. G., Crossin, G. T. 2020. Spatio-temporal trends in the importance of iteroparity across Atlantic salmon populations of the northwest Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77:1, 326-344.


D’Alberto, B. M., Carlson, J. K., Pardo, S. A., Simpfendorer, C. A. 2019. Population productivity of shovelnose rays: Inferring the potential for recovery. PLOS ONE, 14:11, e0225183. Pre-print: [BioRxiv]


Bigman, J., Pardo, S. A., Prinzing, T., Dando, M., Wegner, N. C., Dulvy, N. K. 2018. Ecological lifestyles and the scaling of shark gill surface area. Journal of Morphology, 279:12, 1716-1724.

Pardo, S. A., Cooper, A. B., Reynolds, J. D., Dulvy, N. K. 2018. Quantifying the known unknowns: estimating maximum intrinsic rate of population increase in the face of uncertainty. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75:3, 953-963.


Kacev, D., Sippel, T. J., Kinney, M. J., Pardo, S. A., Mull, C. G. 2017. An Introduction to Modelling Abundance and Life History Parameters in Shark Populations. In Northeast Pacific Shark Biology, Research and Conservation Part B, Volume 78. Larson, S. E., Lowry, D., eds., pp. 45–87 Oxford: Academic Press.


Pardo, S. A., Kindsvater, H. K., Cuevas-Zimbrón, E., Sosa-Nishizaki, O., Pérez-Jiménez, J. C., Dulvy, N. K. 2016. Growth, productivity, and relative extinction risk of a data-sparse devil ray. Scientific Reports, 6, 33745.
Pre-print: [BioRxiv]

Pardo, S. A., Kindsvater, H. K., Reynolds, J. D., Dulvy, N. K. 2016. Maximum intrinsic rate of population increase in sharks, rays, and chimaeras: the importance of survival to maturity. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 73:8, 1159-1163.
Pre-print: [BioRxiv]


Pardo, S. A., Burgess, K., Teixeira, D., Bennett, M. B. 2015. Local-scale resource partitioning by stingrays on an intertidal flat. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 533, 205-218.


Dulvy, N. K., Pardo, S. A., Simpfendorfer, C. A., Carlson, J. K. 2014. Diagnosing the dangerous demography of manta rays using life history theory. PeerJ, 2: e400. Supplementary data on FigShare.
Pre-print: [PeerJ Preprints]


Pardo, S. A., Cooper, A. B. & Dulvy, N. K. 2013. Avoiding fishy growth curves. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4:4, 353–360.

Moore, J. E., Curtis, K. A., Lewison, R. L., Dillingham, P. W., Cope, J. M., Fordham, S. V, Heppell, S. S., Pardo, S. A., Simpfendorfer, C. A., Tuck, G. N., Zhou, S. 2013. Evaluating sustainability of fisheries bycatch mortality for marine megafauna: a review of conservation reference points for data-limited populations. Environmental Conservation, 40:4, 329-344.


Pardo, S. A., Cooper, A. B., Dulvy, N. K. 2012. Critical review and analysis of existing risk-based techniques for determining sustainable mortality levels of bycatch species. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Research Docucment 2012/014. iv + 30 p.


Pierce, S. J., Pardo, S. A., Bennett, M. B. 2009. Reproduction of the blue-spotted maskray Neotrygon kuhlii (Myliobatoidei: Dasyatidae) in south-east Queensland, Australia. Journal of Fish Biology, 74:6, 1291–1308.

R packages

Maia, R., Chamberlain, S., Teucher, A., Pardo, S. 2021. rebird: R Client for the eBird Database of Bird Observations. Retrieved from
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